Tourism Ministry takes over San Francisco ruins restoration issue

Tourism Ministry takes over San Francisco ruins restoration issue Santo Domingo.- Tourism Minister Francisco Javier García has taken personal charge of the project to restore and adapt the Ruins of the San Francisco Convent in Santo Domingo’s Colonial Zone. In its early stages, this proposal was met with widespread rejection. Maribel Villalona, director of Tourism Promotion for the Colonial City, a program that consists of a series of projects in the first city in the New World, said that the Ministry was managing the “Project for Restoration and Conservation of the Ruins of San Francisco”. Since the project was first announced, architect Villalona has faced criticism from civil society, including bodies like the International Council for Monuments and Sites, the Dominican Republic Academy of Sciences and the National District Council. Villalona said that the ministry had decided to take on the project «due to the variables involved that exceed the technical considerations.» When asked about the process of dialogue between the ministry of Tourism and the sectors involved in the colonial-era structure, and the Colonial Zone in general, which has been declared a world heritage site, she said that the results of the forum were being processed. “It appears that everyone is awaiting the next step. The Tourism Ministry, up until recently, was waiting for opinions,” she stated. According to Villalona, during the debate on the feasibility of restoring the Ruins of San Francisco, each university has presented a different proposal, which has made it even more interesting. She added that the process would take time. The architectural design presented by Rafael Moneo has not been welcomed by some sectors, which claim that if implemented, it would distort the ruins. – Tourism News

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